Native Wildflower Beebombs

Native Wildflower Beebombs
 Native Wildflower BeebombsNative Wildflower Beebombs 
Our Price:  £1.99Earn 1 Loyalty Points



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Help us save the UK Bee population.

Each purchase £1.00 goes towards a real beehive, helping the honeybee population recover and supporting honeybee related initiatives around the UK.

1000s of seeds from 18 native wildflower species, mixed with local, protective clay and sifted, nurturing top soil. 1 pack provides coverage for roughly 21 sq ft / 2m².

Beebombs use only sustainable packaging. No 'one use plastics' used. 

Beebomb Seeds:


Yarrow is a common flower of roadsides, hedgerows, grasslands, and scrubby areas where the soil is inclined to being dry and chalky. It is one the perennials in our mix, flowering from June to September.

Common Knapweed

Common Knapweed is a really tough wildflower that can grow in a range of soils. It is a real favourite of our pollinating insect friends and looks beautiful too. It is one of our perennials and usually flowers from July to September.

Wild Carrot

Wild Carrot offers a flat, white blossom with a red spot in the centre. The white root smells like carrot and has a range of medicinal uses! It will flower in its second year from June to August.

Ladys Bedstraw

Lady's bedstraw was historically widespread through Great Britain and is a very important pollinator. Its beautiful yellow flowers provide a scent of honey to our countryside from June to September. Ladys Bedstraw is one the annuals.

Rough Hawkbit

Rough Hawkbit is on the Royal Horticultural Society's list as 'Perfect for Pollinators'. It is one of the perennials from our mix. Flowering from June, right through to early autumn.

Oxeye Daisy

Oxeye Daisy is a beautiful and recognisable pollinator and is one of our perennials. One for the children and one for the bees it flowers from June to September.

Ribwort Plantain

Ribwort Plantain can be found all over Britain's grasslands and is well adapted to all soils. It is one of our perennials and flowers from April to October.


Cowslip provides a beautiful drooping yellow flower and is a big friend of a range of wildlife. It usually flowers from April to May and is a perennial.

Self Heal

Selfheal is a common herb in Britain and has a long use of historical, medicinal uses. Selfheal is on the Royal Horticultural Society's 'Perfect for Pollinators' list. It is one of our perennials and usually flowers from June to August.

Corn Marigold

Corn Marigold is native to the UK since at least the Iron age and provides a wonderful flash of bright yellow to your wildflower meadow. It is one of the annuals in our mix and will flower from June to October.

Yellow Rattle

Yellow Rattle is a bee and butterfly friendly British Wildflower that is on the Royal Horticultural Society's list as 'Perfect for Pollinators'. It is one of the annuals from our mix.

Common Sorrel

Common Sorrel is not specifically included as a bee attractor but adds to a good wildflower meadow. It attracts butterflies! This flower usually comes in the second year as it is a perennial and flowers from May to June.

Salad Burnet

Salad Burnet is a great friend of the butterfly and the bee. It can also help in the kitchen bring many a dish to life as a locally sourced herb flavouring. Salad Burnet is one of the perennials in our mix and usually flowers from May to September.

White Campion

White Campion is a fantastic addition to any wildflower meadow. Its delicate flowers provide food for lots of pollinators! It will flower in its second year from May to September.

Red Campion

Red Campions brilliant pink flowers are beautiful and great for pollinators. Red Campion is one of our annuals and has a long flowering period usually from April to August.

Common Poppy

The Common Poppy is a beautiful and iconic flower. Native to these shores and invaluable to bees, butterflies and a range of other pollinators, it will provide a beautiful look to your wildflower garden. The Poppy is an annual and flowers from June to September.


The Cornflower is a beautiful but endangered member of the Beebomb mix. It's certainly Perfect for Pollinators and will add it's deep blue beauty to your wildflower patch. The Cornflower is one of our annuals and flower from May to October.

Corn Chamomile

The Corn Chamomile is part of the daisy and dandelion family and is very much Perfect for Pollinators. The flower is distinctly and agreeably aromatic, smelling clearly of apples. It is one of our perennials and flowers from June to August.

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